Medical Disclaimer


Social media is a great way to connect and to get (and give) information out there, and this is my venture into this space!

It's a powerful space, and as with all power, it comes with great responsibility. There, therefore has to be a disclaimer here that although all of this information is put together by a professional, this platform and all the information on it is never meant to replace or substitute the medical advice, diagnosis and/or medical treatment given to you from your health care professional.

I will therefore always encourage you to seek individual assessment, advice and management from your physiotherapist or other health care provider.

What I do encourage is to use this platform to stimulate your conversations with your health care team, use it as a spring board for learning and growth!

I pride myself in being evidence based. What this means is that the information I share is backed up with up-to-date literature, and where possible I will always share my sources. If you have a differing opinion to anything you see on this site, I would love to hear it, and engage with it in a professional and intellectually stimulating way! Let’s make this learning a two way street!